NEON-dagene 2022
Drammen 22. – 24. november
Organisasjoner, nasjoner, samfunn og lokalsamfunn står overfor krevende felles utfordringer når det gjelder hvordan man forholder seg
til de store og komplekse spørsmålene i vår tid, som pandemier, krig (som den pågående dramatiske situasjonen i Europa), fattigdom, sosial ulikhet, klima, biodiversitet og økologiske utfordringer. Disse sammensatte, komplekse og langvarige utfordringene fører til økt usikkerhet globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt. Med utgangspunkt i disse “grand challenges”, vil NEON 2022 rette søkelys mot «organisering og ledelse i usikre og konfliktfylte tider». Vi inviterer derfor forskere innenfor en rekke disipliner og forskningstradisjoner om å delta med eller uten paper på NEON-dagene i Drammen den 22. - 24. november.
in the order they appear in the programme
is professor of Crisis Governance at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs, who combines crisis management scholarship with practical experience as a consultant. She publishes on crisis management, institutionalization, organizational survival, and crisis accountability in international scholarly journals and books. Sanneke has extensive experience as senior advisor at Crisisplan BV in crisis research, evaluation, training and teaching projects. She is the chief editor of the journal Risk Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley). In the past four years (2018-2022) she has been her institute’s Director of Education, responsible for three master programs, five minors and a bachelor program together serving over 2,000 students. Current research projects include projects on risk and crisis management, institutionalization and reform of public organizations, blaming and accountability after crises and organizational survival, and the editorship of the recently published Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis.
is a Professor at the University of Agder, Department of Political Science and Management, a Professor at the University og Oslo, ARENA Centre for European Studies, and a Senior Fellow at University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on public policy and administration, European integration, international collaboration, crisis and turbulence, and organization theory.
was born in Wales and now lives in Sydney, Australia. She is Professor of Gender, Work and Organization at Macquarie University and holds Visiting Professorships at Bath University and the Open University in the UK. Trained in organizational development and change, Alison’s research has been concerned with analyzing and intervening in the politics of work as it concerns gender discrimination, identity and embodiment, and organizational injustice. While pursuing this agenda, Alison has contributed to leading journals in the fields of organization theory, gender studies, and management studies, including leadership and diversity. Alison is joint Editor-in-Chief of Gender, Work and Organization, Associate Editor of Organization and sits on the editorial board of Organization Studies, among other journals. Her last book is Corporeal Ethics (2022, with Carl Rhodes). Alison has just completed an Australian Research Council Discovery Project on leadership diversity in Australian organizations:
is Professor of Organization Theory at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and Adjunct Professor at USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway. He carries out research on various aspects of organizational temporality inspired by works on the philosophy of time, drawing upon scholars, such as Alfred North Whitehead, George Herbert Mead, Paul Ricoeur, and more recently Gilles Deleuze. Tor has contributed temporal theorizing to a number of areas within organizational research, including the uses of the past, strategy and identity, sensemaking, temporary organizations, innovation and climate change, and organizational theorizing more generally. His most recent book is Organization and time (Oxford University press, 2022. His previous book A Process theory of organization won the George R. Terry Book Award at the Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting in 2015. Tor directs the Centre for Organizational Time at Copenhagen Business School.
is a full professor in health care science and earned his Phd in public administration. His research interests include health systems, crisis management, disaster medicine, prehospital care, emergency departments and triage. He has been designing and facilitating several organizational evaluations for the health care sector. Some of his recent projects is on inter-organizational collaboration during disasters and hospital evacuations.
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