
Hervé Corvellec is Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University. His research interests comprise organizational narratives, business ethics, risk management, accounting inscriptions, sustainability, resource theory, and circular economy. He has done extensive research on infrastructures: public libraries management, wind power siting, risk in public transportation, and waste management. He has headed the research projects “From waste management to waste prevention”, and “Organizing Critical Infrastructure Services – The case of waste management”. He is currently involved in the research projects “Relationships within circular business models”, and “Circular North Sea Region: Improving Governance for the Circular Economy”. He has published numerous articles in journals like Accounting Organization and Society, Organizations, Business and Society, Culture and Organization, Research Policy, Environment and Planning A, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Marketing Theory, Scandinavian Journal of Management and Waste Management.

Oliver Laasch is a Senior Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Manchester and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He founded the Center for Responsible Management Education (CRME) and has co-convened the Responsible Management Education in Action workshop series at the Academy of Management meetings. His research interests focus on responsible management, alternative business models and responsible management learning. His work have been published in journals like Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Ethics, and Organization & Environment. His books include Research Handbook of Responsible Management (edited with Roy Suddaby, R. Edward Freeman and Dima Jamali, 2020), The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education (edited with Dirk C. Moosmayer, Carole Parkes and Kenneth Brown, 2020), and Principles of Management: Practicing Ethics, Responsibility, Sustainability. 2nd Ed., SAGE 2021) Oliver Laasch has worked extensively as coach and consultant with dozens of companies. He has also designed and taught a variety of full courses on bachelor, master, PhD and executive education levels. He is Associate Editor at Academy of Management Learning and Education.

Camilla Skjelsbæk Gramstad er bærekraftssjef (Head of Sustainability) i Elkjøp Nordic og er særlig engasjert i omstillingen til en sirkulær økonomi. Gramstad har tidligere vært bærekraftsansvarlig i Hovedorganisasjonen Virke, hvor hun jobbet med å engasjere handel- og tjenestenæringene i det grønne skiftet. Hun har også jobbet med bærekraft og leverandørutvikling gjennom offentlige anskaffelser i Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT. Gramstad har vært styrenestleder i Miljøfyrtårn, Etisk Handel Norge, og vært styremedlem i Divisjonsstyret for Innovasjon i Forskningsrådet og i Handelens miljøfond. Camilla har en tverrfaglig master i Culture, environment and sustainability fra Universitet i Oslo.

Elkjøps visjon er «Help everyone enjoy amazing technology”. Men elektronikk er også en miljøversting, og ee-avfall er et av verdens raskest voksende miljøproblem. Derfor har Elkjøp en ambisiøs bærekraftsstrategi og skal bevege seg mot en mer sirkulær økonomi.

Nina Schefte – Head of Social Responsibility - Group Sustainability, Hydro. Nina Schefte has more than 20 years of professional experience from environmental and social responsibility in the public and private sector. She holds a master in environmental engineering from NTNU Norway and RWTH Germany and a master of management in strategic collaboration. Her experience includes Sustainability Manager for IKEA Norway and consultant within sustainability for a wide range of companies. Hydro is a leading industrial company committed to a sustainable future. Since 1905, Hydro has turned natural resources into valuable products for people and businesses, creating a safe and secure workplace for our 34,000 employees in more than 140 locations and 40 countries. Hydro is through its businesses present in a broad range of market segments for aluminium, energy, metal recycling, renewables and batteries.

Karl Ove “Kalle” Moene is Professor at Department of Economics, University of Oslo. He has been leading Centre for the Study of Equality, Social Organization and Performance (ESOP) since established as a Center of Excellence in 2007. His research interest include the comparison of institutions, corruption, economic development, the Nordic model, welfare state, income redistribution and economic inequality.  He has published extensively in scientific journals, including American Political Science Review, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, American Economic Review, and World Politics. Kalle Moene takes part in public debate on economic and social issues and is a regular columnist for the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv. In 2011, he was awarded the Research Council of Norway's Award for Excellence in Communication of Science. In 2016 he received the Fridtjof Nansen Award for Outstanding Research for his ‘vital contributions to the study of the Nordic model, corruption, economic inequality, and the importance of institutions as a factor in economic growth He is a Fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter.

Monika Kostera is Professor Ordinaria and Chair in Sociology at the Faculty of Sociology, the University of Warsaw, visiting professor in Management at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, L'université Paris-Saclay and guest professor in Organization at Södertörn University Sweden. She has authored and edited more than 45 books in Polish and English and a number of articles published in journals including Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, British Journal of Management, Management Learning, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. Her current research interests involve humanistic management, and in particular narrative and cultural studies of organizations, organizational ethnography; and the disalienation of wok. Some of her recent books are Management in a Liquid Modern World (with Zygmunt Bauman, Irena Bauman and Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, 2015) Organizing Hope: Narratives for a Better Future (edited with Daniel Ericson, 2019) The Imagined Organization: Spaces, Dreams and Places (2020) Organizational Ethnography (edited with Nancy Harding, 2020) and After The Apocalypse: Finding Hope in Organizing (2020) . She is member of Erbacce Poets’ Cooperative in Liverpool, UK.